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01st - 30th Novemeber 2021

An awakening journey for experienced young adults 

aged 18-35

Beginning at the Treefield (Golden Bay) to prepare for this exploration of self-connection and a more deep connection with life. Moving to Wangapeka for a 10 days gentle Vipassana/Samata residential retreat  a multi day wilderness meditative journey, followed by a one week and finishing with an artistic integration and visioning time, living in community.

We are facing the collapse of the natural environment, facing  challenges to our old social and economical structures. There is a need for active hope, to participate in and support wholesome communities, where integrated and mature human beings contribute for the birth of a new culture.

"Do not look away. Do not avert your gaze. Do not turn aside. This teaching clearly calls for radical attention and total acceptance." Joanna Macy

We believe that supporting young adults in their journey through life and their awareness/connection with what is going on in the world is one of the most significant things to participate well in the ongoing change. We aspire to give the participants strong tools to navigate their development through life. Meditation, sacred art and rite of passage into the Great Turning.  


The program was built in the aspiration to offer young adults spaces to deepen their understanding and practice of awareness, clear seeing, compassion and loving kindness. It will also increase their connection with nature and community living. 


Separation / Setting Aspiration

13th-18th Nov

Welcome in Treesong and wilderness journey in the Kahurangi National Park from.

Practically, we are going to start in the nature of the Kahurangi National Park for a yatra style moving meditation combined with a vision solo quest. A way to connect in nature as we connect with ourselves and our wild natural way of being. A moment to let go of the busy life and set our aspiration.


Transition / Deeper dive in meditation

18th-26th Nov

7 days Samatha-Vipassana retreat at the supportive environment and history of Wangapeka Study & Retreat Centre 


Coming back from the mountain, we will begin a week of Vipassana/Samatha meditation retreat. This will be a deepening time with a larger block of noble silence. We will explore meditation as a method for deep caring and inquiry. The main tool will be daily meditation with body work, compassionate communication and Heart Sharing. 


Return / Integration and community living

26th Nov - 5th Dec

Integration time in community at Treesong Education and Agroecology Home

Coming out of Wangapeka we will explore returning to society with time to assimilate. We aspire to integrate the learned praxis and experiences with offerings, a care for the land and for the community through gardening, cooking, art and sharing circles.

We aspire to wire for goodness a seamless flow of kindness, interest, patience and love for the world.

18th - 26th November
Wangapeka Retreat

This period will be open to any experienced young adult (aged 18-35) that wants to deepen your meditation practice in community.

It will be a gentle, deep, embodied offering held by three long time facilitators, Jaime Howell, Juliana Griese and Andy McIntosh, taking place in the beautiful and supportive environment and history of Wangapeka. 

If you are interested in participating just for this period, check all the information and register through the Wangapeka Website (link coming soon).

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Jaime Howell

Jaime Howell is a musician, story teller, rite of passage developer and Meditation/Open Floor teacher. He dedicate your life to nourishing the seeds of wisdom and compassion. He is a graduate of a three year school of mindfulness/meditation and went on to spend another three years as the resident practitioner at the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre. He is a volunteer Director of the Rites of Passage Foundation and is the Director of Opening Minds, an organisation dedicated to nourishing the seeds of wisdom and compassion here in Aotearoa. Jaime has a Masters in Education.

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Juliana Griese

Juliana Griese have been exploring and sharing progressively since 2007, contemplative practices for the development of consciousness and awakening; of love and clarity of thinking, feeling and acting, moved by a passion and doings in the area of nature and community care through the work in NGOs and research projects in Brazil. She is a NVC passionate practioner and an enthusiastic supporter of community building.


Andy McIntosh

Andy McIntosh is a Meditation teacher and Feldenkrias awareness through movement instructor. For the past 15 years he has been Studying Meditation and Awakening under the Guidance of, and attendant too, Tarchin Hearn and other inspired teachers. His exploration of Wisdom and Compassion, a deep appreciation of the natural world and regular sharing with others brings a grounded and practical approach to the question of what it means to live well and awaken in these times.

Thsi retreat is for you?

This is an intimate offering for young adults who want to integrate their understanding and practice of meditation with the living earth. Places are available by application. Participant requirements


  • A consistent meditation practice

  • A willingness to live outdoors and cope well with adversity

  • Overall mental and emotional stability,  can cultivate moments of resilience, can receive feedback, exist on the edge, self regulate emotions 

  • Willingness for adventure, to enter the great not knowing. 

  • Live with the challenges and blessing of being in a community. 


This retreat is to support the change makers. Young people  who feel motivated to learn how to plant, grow and harvest the fruits of mindfulness and more for the wellbeing of everyone and everything. 


Our aspiration is that young people can afford this opportunity. 


If the cost is a limitation for you, we are open to hear your needs and think together about some possibilities that can support you. Yes there are some possibilities that are already in our view.

Bodhi Seeds full journey, from 13th November to 06 December

including the period at Wangapeka Study & Retreat Centre

Sliding scale $1072 - $ 1297 - including food, accomodation and the transport necessary for us during this three weeks exploration.


$1072 is the baseline - camping as a member in Wangapeka, without fee for the organization and dana that you may choose to give; 


$1297 includes stay in a unit as a non member in Wangapeka, a fee for the organization without Dana. 

In the Wangapeka period the cost vary due to the type of accommodation (unit or camp) that you choose and if you are a member or not. Let us know your preference about accommodation and if you are a member or intend to be one, so we can send you the cost options with more precision.


For the teachings and facilitation you can choose to give what is in your heart combining with what is possible for you at this moment. 


Bodhi Seeds, a deeper dive in meditation and community, from 18th - 26th November

at Wangapeka Study & Retreat Centre

Sliding scale $504 - $826 - including food and accomodation for this 7 days retreat.


$504 - is the baseline - camping as a member in Wangapeka, without fee for the organization and dana that you may choose to give; 


$826 - includes stay in a unit as a non member in Wangapeka, a fee for the organization without Dana. 

The cost varies due to the type of accommodation (unit or camp) that you choose, if you are a member or not and if you are willing to contribute with the organization/administration fee that covers the cost of materials and basic expenses of the facilitators like transport. Let us know your preference, so we can send you the cost options with more precision.


Resourcing Communities for the Great Turning

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Aoteroa/New Zealand


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