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Bodhi Seeds Retreat - Tools for the Great Turning

An Awakening Journey for Young Adults (aged 18 - 35)


A multi day wilderness meditative journey, followed by a two week gentle Vipassana/Samata residential retreat. 


13th November - 6th December 2020 at Treesong, Motueka Valley, New Zealand.

This year's inquiry will focus on our relationship to the wilderness. Participants will be hungry for the intimacy with nature and have a willingness to live simply



We are facing the collapse of the natural environment, facing  challenges to our old social and economical structures. There is a need for active hope, to participate in and support wholesome communities, where integrated and mature human beings contribute for the birth of a new culture.

"Do not look away. Do not avert your gaze. Do not turn aside. This teaching clearly calls for radical attention and total acceptance." Joanna Macy

We believe that supporting young adults in their journey through life and their awareness/connection with what is going on in the world is one of the most significant things to participate well in the ongoing change. We are offering a meditative, artistic, rite of passage into the Great Turning.


Learning and deepening skills to cultivate awareness, clear seeing, compassion and loving kindness; a care for ourselves and all our relations; a mode of being that integrates all and responds to the world in a wholesome way. 

Practically, we are going to start in the nature of the KahurangiNational Park for a yatra style moving meditation combined with a vision solo quest. A way to connect in nature as we connect with ourselves and our wild natural way of being.

On our return we will begin a 2 week Vipassana/Samatha meditation retreat. We will explore meditation as a method for deep caring and inquiry. Calming the body/brain/mind/community to allow for nature to bring forth insight and deepening understanding. The main tool will be daily meditation with Open Floor, Deep Ecology inquiry, Feldenkrais, Compassionate Communication and Heart Sharing. We aspire to integrate this praxis with offerings, a care for the land and for the community through gardening, cooking, art and sharing circles.

We aspire to wire for goodness a  seamless flow of kindness, interest, patience and love for the world.



This is an intimate offering for young adults who want to integrate their understanding and practice of meditation with the living earth. There are 8  places on this year's retreat. Places are available by application. Participant requirements


  • A willingness to live outdoors and cope well with adversity

  • Overall mental and emotional stability,  can cultivate moments of resilience, can receive feedback, exist on the edge, self regulate emotions 

  • Willingness for adventure, to enter the great not knowing. 

  • Live with the challenges and blessing of being in a community. 


This retreat is to support the change makers. Young people  who feel motivated to learn how to plant, grow and harvest the fruits of mindfulness and more for the wellbeing of everyone and everything. 




Our aspiration is that young people can afford this opportunity. 

Sliding scale $600-900 + Dana for the facilitators.

Includes food, administration and organization fee.


Opportunity for those who want an exchange

We are looking for a cook for this retreat. A person to take on responsibility for leading and being supported to prepare 2 meals every day. This can be a paid opportunity to participate in the retreat.

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