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Building community in the nature of being


Supports of this development:


1) The deepening into the Art of Meditation / Mindfulness. The knowing / remembering of the unfolding of life as it is, here and now. Compassion and understanding about the radical interdependence of all phenomena.
2) The Practice of Loving Communication happening in oneself and others through deep listening and speaking from the heart, mainly inspired, but not only, by Nonviolent Communication.
3) The Connection with Nature, exploring the roots of our belonging to the natural world through practices that involve contemplation, investigation and interaction.

4) Rites of Passage - Community processes of initiation, awareness of gifts and griefs,

offering thresholds of change and commitment. Knowing the development tasks appropriate to each life stage.
5) Sacred Art as a way of celebrating and expressing creativity, playfulness and responsiveness in the face of change and the challenges of life. As a method of individuation and as a tool for social and environmental change.

An Immeasurable School of Wisdom and Compassion

Resourcing Young Communities for Wholesome Living.

What is the school about?


This non for profit school offers time to deepen in understanding and embody the practice of love and clear seeing (meditation), supported by experienced facilitators, in a safe and inspiring environment.


The vision is to grow functioning flourishing young adults (20-35 years). Confident, healthy, resilient, creative and able to respond to the challenge with kindness, interest, patience and love. We aspire to cultivate an unshakable realisation of belonging to the living earth.


The school is for those who have the motivation to bring something beautiful, meaningful and wholesome to the world by awakening to themselves and to all their relationships based primarily on love. There are a limited number of places and we will read with attention, openness and respect the expression of your interest.


This is a collaborative project. We have diverse needs including giving support to young people who can not afford the cost of their participation. If the project touched you, here's how to collaborate.

A Fruitful Spring Time of Community

A core group of seven people, a community of immeasurable friends in support.

Here is some of the outcomes of the 3 month retreat that happened in the Refúgio Paradiso in Brazil. 


The school is happening through the leadership of Jaime Howell and Juliana Griese, the inspiration and support of great teachers, the participation of invited facilitators, and the support of young adults.


A vision and a pathway has arisen for a three year school of wisdom and compassion beginning in 2019. The past three New Zealand Bodhi Seeds retreats have shown us young people have vital gifts to share and that they are hungry for refuge.


An initial inspiration for the birth of the School. A text and a practice proposed by Tarchin Hearn in his e-book Sangha Work, an inspiring proposal with precious tools to live in community.

Read the full text "Immeasurable"


In all the stages of this offering; preparing the ground, planting seeds, chthonic emergence, growth and harvesting…


We take refuge in the true state of affairs; spontaneously ever-present, timeless awareness, radical inclusivity, unfolding in all it's fullness, the vast ungraspable suchness that is this living world/universe.


We recognize, celebrate and cultivate the paths, teachings and encouragements that support our realizing the true state of affairs. Bringing forth generosity, wholesome relating, patience, skilled use of energy, a continuity of caring and enquiry, and wise understanding.

Releasing into a profound sense of being this continuously gestating mystery of communion – this is our home.

Smiling; Breathing; Present; Appreciating; Offering, this school will deepen this confident knowing/experience of refuge


Adapted from Sadhana de Samantabhadra, Tarchin Hearn

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