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Writer's pictureJaime Howell

Amazing Opportunity: 3 Months Mindfulness Retreat for Young Adults

Updated: Jul 3, 2019

Announcing the programme

Mindfulness - Movement - Healing - Nature - Rituals - Community

Bodhi Seeds retreat for Young Adults, facilitated by Jaime Howell and with the participation of Tarchin Hearn, Wangapeka Retreat Centre, New Zealand.


“I am writing to let you know about the wonderful ongoingness of the dharma with new generations of students and teachers doing innovative work in the spirit of that universal vision we learned from Rinpoche in those early days.”

Tarchin Hearn in ‘Future Dharma worth supporting a vision of Immeasurable Wisdom and Compassion.’ Full article here:

Immeasurable School Programme 2019 Brazil

We are delighted to share with you the programme that is taking shape.

The journey will begin by establishing the skills required for living well in community. An introduction to mindfulness, compassionate communication, sourcing wholesome food, attuning to the land and offering service. These activities will all be part of our retreat daily life to support each other to bring forth our best authentic selves.

There will be times/weeks to focus on specific explorations to enrich our experience and help the participants to go forward in their inner development. These periods will be facilitated by us, Jaime and Juliana, and gifted teachers, see below.

Who is with us?

We are not undertaking this journey alone, we have a host of amazing teachers coming to offer their skills, inspiration and expertise.

1. Jaime Howell will be ‘Planting Seeds of Rites of Passage in Brazil’ He is a director of a community led process to re-invent and remember rites of passage in New Zealand. He brought this work to Brazil in 2018 and was met with strong requests to seed a programme in Brazil.

We will be calling on the expertise of Eduardo Medeiros an ecologist and therapeutic facilitator of an indigenous shamanic purification process. Juliana Griese will lead a work with the women during this process. She just came from a week experience on Tides, a Rites of Passage process that is helping girls to become young women in New Zealand, and has been following Eduardo´s work for almost 10 years.

We seek to bring these worlds and approaches together offering rituals and processes of initiation to create a multi-cultural community led rites of passage in Brazil.

This is the only event happening in the school which will be open to invited guests, outside of the young adults.

2. Jangchub Reid is offering teachings on ‘Guru Yoga and practical Mindfulness’ He has more than 40 years of experience in Buddhist contemplative and western practices and has led many long retreats. He teaches in an open, lovely and relaxed way that is direct and accessible to all people of any background. He encourages people to experience for themselves the true nature of their minds, thus liberating a profound flow of peace, love and compassion. He is one of the main teachers and inspiration in the path of Juliana Griese and a resident in Refúgio Paradiso, the retreat venue in Brazil.

3. Jaime and Juliana will offer a week exploration on ‘Touching the Earth’ a one week inquiry into the roots of belonging. This exploration will combine meditation, intimacy in nature with Open Floor conscious dance. Touching the Earth is a profoundly beneficial foundation practice to all meditation work. It offers a way to connect and integrate the refuge of realising each moment is a dancing of ancestors, sources of inspiration and the living ecology. The resource was developed by Tarchin Hearn, inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh.

4. Mariano Pedroza is bringing his experience as a therapist for a week to ‘Releasing the trauma that can live in our bodies’. Mariano is gifted therapist who teaches around the world. He works for communities and with a wide range of diverse people and cultures. His pioneering work is deep and transformative, connecting and trusting the vast intelligence of the body to find wholeness and healing.

5. Tarchin Hearn, one of our main inspirations for our path and the School will spend 7 days with us exploring ‘Suchness - living in truth’. This period will guide, inspire and support young people to bring forth a magnanimous view of what it might mean to live well in truth. Profoundly connected, kind, open and totally responsive. Tarchin is a writer, artist, poet, traveller and inspiring teacher. Rooted in Buddhist principles, his work frequently links personal healing with a deep ecological perspective and western science in ways that have inspired a wide range of people, from a variety of diverse backgrounds and traditions.

6. We will complete our time together with a three week period of retreat and integration. A time to settle and use the practices we have been offered to deepen and assimilate.

Places are filling up with inspiring young people. Watch the video if you have not seen it, as one bright young man describes, ‘this is a chance to make a difference.

Jaime and Juliana are offering this work for free. We want the young people of Brazil and beyond to be able to attend irrespective of financial circumstance, this is the spirit of the living dharma. The Namgyal lineage has incredible resources that can help young people at a time when our planet hungers for a more embracive, sustainable view.

If you are a young adult who feels moved to be a part of this journey aplly here.

If you feel moved to support us financially click here. (We are aspiring to achieve charitable trust status for the school by 2020.)

More info:

+55 14 991092506 (whatsapp)


An opportunity to deepen the practice of meditation (mindfulness) to awaken resiliency and creativity. A retreat that will enable us to respond and contribute positively to the world while we care for ourselves.


· Receiving profound teachings from experienced teachers (more than 40 years of practice and teachings on meditation and understanding of the mysteries of life);

· Participating in activities: conscious dance, rituals of initiation, grief, celebration and hounoring, meditation in solitude and in group; cultivating compassionate communication and connecting with nature;

· Spaces to manifest your creativity, offering to the land and for the community.


26 August – 10 November, in Refúgio Paradiso, Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil

The context

We are living in incredible times. The climate is changing in frightening ways, species are disappearing at alarming rates. We despair with depth concerns of immature, uninitiated forms of leadership, typically older men with distorted ideologies. There is grief, frustration, worry. It is a part of our story, but it is not the whole story…

‘the darkness around us is deep (…) for it is important that awake people be awake.’ William Stafford in Ritual to Read to Each Other.

Bodhi Seeds retreat for Young Adults, facilitated by Jaime Howell, Wangapeka Retreat Centre, New Zealand.

On another day the world is bubbling with grassroot community initiatives that connect and build resiliency, clear seeing and love. Generations, young and old are bringing forth ways of living the truth of profound interconnectedness. Worlds of faith, hope and wonderment through educated activism, sacred arts and ecological initiatives to name but a few.

The appearance of these two worlds are the basic state of affairs. Potentials for fragmentation and wholeness live in us all. One thing is certain and that is movement! And we are moved deeply by the best our teachers, ancestors and living ecology has to offer to bring forth an Immeasurable School of Wisdom and Compassion.

Our goal is to support young people to stand strong in their goodness and move well in these challenging times. To listen to them, offer spaces that empower and open their view, with feet firmly in the earth. These are the skills to respond well.

Young Adults Retreat (YAR) in Wangapeka Retreat Centre, New Zealand

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